Here at SPS Infratech we construct, execute, carryout, equip, support maintain, operate, improve, work, develop, administer, manage, control and superintend within or outside the country anywhere in the world all kinds of works, public or otherwise, buildings, houses and other constructions or conveniences of all kinds, which expression in this memorandum includes roads, railways, and tramways, docks. Give us a call on +919936351934 and we can discuss any of your construction needs.
We purchase properties for resale and to trade in lands, such as commercial, residential, industrial, farmhouse, house and other immovable property of any tenure and any interest therein, and to create, sell and deal in freehold and leasehold ground rents, and to deal in trade by way of sale, or otherwise with land industrial and house property and any other immovable property whether real or personal.
We carry on the business of security management including industrial, commercial housing and all types of security services, labour consultants, labour contractors. We make available knowledge, skill, experience, staff, labour, security personnel, armed guards and escorts to any person, persons, firm, body corporate or government and semi-government organizations or any other organisation, authority or entity for the purpose of security, detection, intelligence, labour, and management. We offer workers for office management and to conduct an employment bureau and to provide consultancy and other services in connection with the requirements of persons and manpower supply in India and abroad.